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There is a cup of tea; there is a hope, a trust.

The joyful evening starts with smile by dear friend.

A cup of tea, and there are few of us

I hope that our evening`ll never end.

                                                                                                                                            The author: Eugenia Bespalova ... Читать дальше »
Категория: All about us | Просмотров: 408991 | Добавил: ev1l1ns1de | Дата: 09.05.2012 | Комментарии (1179)

The official gazette for schoolchildren will be published once a term in electronic form only and contain different information both the Early Language Learners and Teenagers.


Grade Level: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate

Subject Area: English, German

Brief Description:

ü      The participants of newspaper will research and write articles that will be published in an electronic newspaper.

ü      Students will choose rubrics and decide what information they want to read.

• Objectives

Students will:

ü      Develop their writing skills through  journalism

ü      Develop their abilities to synthesize information they gather

ü      Use a variety of resources to gather information for the newspaper articles

ü      Learn about HTML and Web publications




Students always find writing boring. They usually do it as home task but not something enjoyable. One of the purposes of this newspaper is to show the school children that writing can be fun and they can not do without it.

Conversely, using an electronic school gazette helps the pupils to improve their skills and knowledge in English, i.e. to reach their higher level. It is, therefore, clear that students can learn from each other and the teacher will only correct their work at the end of the process. ... Читать дальше »

Категория: All about us | Просмотров: 40614 | Добавил: ev1l1ns1de | Дата: 05.05.2012 | Комментарии (7)

The members of the newspaper are as follows: ... Читать дальше »
Категория: All about us | Просмотров: 4701 | Добавил: ev1l1ns1de | Дата: 01.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Anna Anisimova
Tomsk, Russia

Tomsk State
Pedagogical University
1998-2003 Diploma in German and English. Qualified as a teacher of English and German.


Gymnasium No 26, Tomsk ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Tutor’s page | Просмотров: 1821 | Добавил: artless | Дата: 16.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

A Cup of Tea Programmer – Designer

Hey, my name is Ilya Nikolaev and I study in the 9th form of gymnasium 26. So, a couple of words about me: I don’t really like studying at school and I prefer not to go there, but I have to do it. I like computers and electronics; conversely, computer technologies tied me forever. My parents are programmers and I want to be a programmer too. Also I like surfing in virtual reality and it is a cause of my half-day computer time when I’m totally immersed in computer, Internet and different games. Well, that is everything I wanted to tell you about me.

Категория: All about us | Просмотров: 1504 | Добавил: ev1l1ns1de | Дата: 09.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

A Cup of Tea Programmer – Designer

Hello! I’m Denis Osipenko and I’m the 9th grade student of gymnasium 26. I like creating computer programs; that is why I’m studying in TSU (Tomsk Programming School). Moreover, it’s the cause why I created this website. It’s amazing to know that something you made really works! So, I like my hobby and I’d like to do it all my life. As you can see computer and me are the best mates forever.

Категория: All about us | Просмотров: 1391 | Добавил: ev1l1ns1de | Дата: 09.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

A Cup of Tea Journalist, school No 31

everybody! My name is Vera Nepriyateleva. I study at school No 31. As for me, I
like taking part in different competitions and parties. I am fond of reading,
drawing, playing active games. As of my free time, I adore spending it with my
friends and also with my family. Every new day is a great achievement for me!

Прикрепления: Картинка 1
Категория: All about us | Просмотров: 1232 | Добавил: ev1l1ns1de | Дата: 01.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

A Cup of Tea PhotoJournalist


My name is Anna Petukhova. I am 16 years old. I study at school № 26,
class 9. I have been doing sports for seven years. My favorite one is basketball and
swimming. Recently I’ve been interested in taking photographs; conversely, I would say that it is very exciting.
Drawing is also my hobby since childhood. When I am not busy I like to do it. I am
a bit lazy and sometimes it prevents me to improve my knowledge. My favorite subject at school is the Russian language. 

Категория: All about us | Просмотров: 1302 | Добавил: ev1l1ns1de | Дата: 01.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

A Cup of Tea Journalist, Artist


Hi! My name is Alena Alekseeva. I’m a student of the 9th form and learn at gymnasium №26. I like studying but less than being with my friends and talking to them. My pals are my life – it’s impossible to see me without my bosom friends. That is why, I like different and funny things which we do. Also I like drawing. I can copy pictures or take them from my mind. I adore English. Nowadays it’s very important to know any foreign language to keep in touch with the world. I’m there where something new is. So; I’m active, energetic and full of fun.

Категория: All about us | Просмотров: 1145 | Добавил: ev1l1ns1de | Дата: 01.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

A Cup of Tea Journalist, Artist

 Hello! My name is Ulyana. I am 12 years old. The day of my birth is on the 8th of January. I am on the 5th grade and visit the lessons in the art school. I like dancing, but I want to become a programmer, because it’s exciting to fix computers and create new programs. 

 Not long ago I had a possibility to move to Moscow, but I decided to stay in my home town, because I love Tomsk and like hanging out with my soul-mates. As of my relatives, I usually visit my grandparents in summer. They live in Asino, where there is their farm. Cows, dogs, ca ... Читать дальше »

Категория: All about us | Просмотров: 1136 | Добавил: ev1l1ns1de | Дата: 01.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

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